Animated Gif's
A Gif is a file type which is short for Graphics Interchange
Format, they are a file that is mainly used on the web, and for web banners in
advertisement. Animated Gif's are made up of an animation project then looped
together to create a vision of a moving image replayed over and over again
Gif files are a group of frames linked together and then
looped into creating a 'short movie' type of document,
Limitations of Animated Gif's
Larger animations can be memory taxing.
File size limitations
Best to limit colours used
No sound
Playback speed dependent on connection speed
Appear different on different platforms or browsers
Remember that all animation is a slideshow of rendered
1. Easy to make.
2. Small in file size.
3. Load quickly.
4. Easy to use in webpages.
5. If browser supports images it most likely supports
animated gifs.
6. No plugins needed
1. No interaction that is available in flash.
2. No Sound.
3. Harder to make more complex animations.
4. Hard to modify once created.
5. Animations are static i.e cannot retrieve text,settings
from a file or database to change the animation.
thanks bro